Complaint channel
Hygolet Iberia, S.L. in its organization and management model, it has enabled a Whistleblowing Channel to have preventive efficacy and enable the detection of acts or conduct that could be contrary to the general or sectoral regulations that were applicable to it in accordance with the Penal Code when it imposes «the obligation to report possible risks and breaches to the body in charge of monitoring the operation and compliance with the prevention model».
The Whistleblower Channel is enabled for all the members who are part of our Entity and third parties who can inform the Compliance Officer of the existence of any procedural and organizational weakness that may lead to a criminal risk or the commission or omission of a fact. criminal.
Hygolet Iberia, S.L. guarantees confidentiality, anonymity and the absence of retaliation of any kind towards the person who would have disclosed the facts. The data will be kept in the system only for the time necessary for the investigation of the reported events. In any case, three months after the introduction of your personal data, our Entity will proceed to delete it from the system. If its conservation is necessary to continue the investigation, our Entity may continue to process your data in a different environment that corresponds legally.
Complaints may be communicated to the Compliance Officer through the following means:
- Through an email with the subject of «complaints channel» to:
- By means of a communication model of evidence or suspicion of criminal conduct that can be obtained in physical or digital format by requesting it from the headquarters of Hygolet Iberia, S.L. to the attention of the «Compliance Officer».
- By filling in the following form: